How many people died in American Civil War?

The American Civil War or Civil War with its common name is in 1861-1865. Some historians call this war as …

How many different features of Ipad Mini than Ipad 3?

Ipad Mini is the last product in the Apple’s Ipad series. It’s classified in mini tablet computer category. It’s firstly …

How many years the Vietnam War lasted?

The Vietnam War is one of the biggest cold war era conflicts in the history. Conflict is started in Cambodia, …

How many days Cuban Missile Crisis lasted?

The Cuban missile crisis or October Crisis with its common name is one of the biggest political crises in the …

How many years an Australian Shepherd lives?

Australian Shepherd or Aussie with its popular name is a herding dog breed mostly lives in western United States ranches. …

How many arthritis symptoms in dogs?

Arthritis in dogs is born from inflammation of a joint. It’s common in every creature with bones which is causing …

How many hours a child must sleep in a day?

Sleeping is the source of health. Researches showed that when human started to miss enough hours for sleep, body and …

How many Volkswagen models are there in the market?

Volkswagen is a worldwide popular German automobile manufacturer. Volkswagen Golf, Volkswagen Passat and Volkswagen Beetle models of the company are …