Twitter is the heart of Social Media. It’s possible to say that Twitter is more popular than Facebook now because while Facebook shows millions of product ads, messages, spams and more, Twitter is clean, easy to use, easy to gossip, best for learning latest and not formal like Facebook. Mac users wait some for good Twitter clients but today it’s possible to find detailed Twitter software for this platform. First Twitter clients on Mac were not so useful but user researches helped software developers to produce a more user friendly interface than ever. How many popular Twitter clients for Mac?
Software developers firstly decided what a Mac user waits from a good Twitter client. Features a Twitter user waits are easy media usage, easy to view and reply messages, detailed search features, allowing multiple action management at once and simplicity.
Twitter for Mac is the official Mac Client of company. A small program called Tweetie now became the official Twitter Client with good features. Reading conversations is one of the most important parts in Twitter and Twitter for Mac is offering one click read all feature. You don’t have to wait any more process time for reading all. Multiple account adding and using is very easy in Twitter for Mac. Settings has a special page for it and there’s symbols on right for surfing between different Twitter accounts with one click. User need to click link to see photos and it’s harder than see thumbnail. User has to click all media to see it. Twitter for Mac is simple and not offering expert features and it’s perfect for basic users.
TweetDeck for Mac is for professional Twitter users. While most of Twitter clients are simple and basic, TweetDeck has detailed features. Media handling of TweetDeck is the soft belly of software. User has to click links to see photos and most of the photos need browser for view. Some photo servers have in software support but there are some services like Instagram with no in software support. When user clicks to reply, all conversation windows open in their page and sometimes you have to close 10 windows. It’s very professional to view detailed conversation history but very hard for basic user. TweetDeck offers best multiple account view ever. It’s possible to see all accounts in one page. It’s also possible to add other social media to TweetDeck like Foursquare, LinkedIn. TweetDeck is also not possible in Mac App Store. TweetDeck for Mac is only for advanced Twitter experts.
Echofon for Mac has two versions. One is free, other is $19.99. Software carries simplicity in detailed features. One of the most important features in Echofon is thumbnails. So you don’t have to click any unknown links for photos and wait you Mac’s process. Click on the thumbnail opens big version of photo and one click is enough to send it back. Echofon shows conversations in colored bubbles so it’s easy to surf between them. Multiple account usage is also very easy. Echofon also allows syncing updated tweets from its own server. Echofon and simply and easy to use but ad-supported version have some freezing problems.
Tweetings for Mac is also very popular but it’s not free. Interface is very similar to Echofon. Software is offering extra big thumbnails so clicking is not a need on them. Tweetings opens the conversation in separate window and user always needs to close it before tweet. Multiple account and theme features are also very good.
Twitterrific is especially for Ipad. It use all entertaining graphic features of Ipad. It also offers a customizable toolbar that any of others offer.