How many music videos of “In the Shadows” are there?

“In the Shadows” is one of the most popular songs of Finnish rock band The Rasmus. Song released in the album “Dead Letters”. Then it became popular and released as single. It became a worldwide popular song in a short period and took some awards. Song also became famous with its changeling music videos. Videos have lots of details like Lauri Ylönen was no-makeup style in a video of song. All videos are directed by famous directors and filmed in Europe.
How many music videos of “In the Shadows” are there?

There are 3 versions of “In the Shadows” music video. First version of “In the Shadows” music video is Finnish version. It’s also known as Bandit version in Finland. Group is singing on a helipad for all video. Story on video was very strange and effected The Rasmus fans. Video shocked the Rasmus fans on the first second because Lauri Ylönen was without make-up. In the story part of video, The Rasmus group is trying to make a bank robbery but police is coming unexpectedly. When police comes to event place, Laurie tries to run away but police is very close to him. Then they started to run away with car but Laurie falls away and goes into forest. Police dogs find him but Aki Hakala takes him into car before dogs. In Finnish version of video, some samples from Finnish movie Pahat Pojat are used. Video took some average critics but amateur atmosphere decreased the point.

Then Rasmus released European version of “In the Shadows” music video in 2003. The Rasmus seen on a stage in first look and it was giving the feeling like stage is in the middle of a big emptiness. Then when the lights on, it’s possible to see that group is playing on a small room. Lauri Ylönen is seen on black make-up in this video. This is the most popular video of song and it broadcasted for months in European music channels. Crow version of “In the Shadows” has a darker atmosphere than other videos of song. All group members has crow wings on their arms. And some special effects like black eyes of Lauri are making the video unique. Firstly group members blow their crow feathers. Then a crow is seen on dark sky. Then crows unite and enter the stage of group. In the last moments of video, a crow hits the light and light particles rain over group. Video finishes with the darkening room.

The US/UK version of “In the Shadows” music video is also known as Mirror version. It’s directed in some American party style. Philipp Stöltzl directed this video in 2004 and video place was Romania. Main place video takes place is a chateau seems like old Victorian mansion. Group was singing on a high stage and fans were moshing around them. Laurie was again with black make-up. Video starts with scenes that a young maid comes to mansion in old times. After some meeting with old maids, new girl goes to her room and sees some shadows in mirror. And in service time, maid sees some girls enjoying and dancing in mirror. In last moments of video, it’s possible to see that scenes maid see are from The Rasmus’ concert and Laurie takes her near him from the mirror. Video finishes with the scene that servants can’t find the maid on her bed.
There are also some fan made versions of video. But there are no official choose of these videos for broadcasting in TV channels.

One Response

  1. ผมร่วง รักษาผมร่วง ความรู้เรื่องเส้นผม June 27, 2012

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