How Many Japanese Native Speakers Are There in the World?

Do you have any information about the different languages that are spoken today in the whole world? What do you think about the developments of the languages from the history in the world? What do you think about the extinction of the languages from the history? As all we know, today in the whole world there are lots of different spoken languages and if it is thought from the point of the different accents of these languages it is possible to see hundreds of the different languages. The reason of this difference of the languages is because of the different nations and ethnic groups that are available in the whole world today.


In the last periods there are much more languages that are available more than now but with the extinction of the ethnic groups or the nations correspondingly these languages are also extinct. Today, we are going to make a short analysis about the language of the Japanese and its significance in the whole world and the number of the people who speak Japanese as their native language. When it is looked the origins of the Japanese it is a member of the languages of East Asian Languages and in the whole world there are 125 million people who are speaking the Japanese as their native language. In the world market, the importance of the Japan is in too much extend and because of this reason the significance of the language is going to be increasing in too much extends and it can be possible to say that in the future the Japanese will be one of the most important languages in the world because especially in the field of the development of the technology the role of the country is very significant. The language is the member of Japanese-Ryukyuan originally. When it is thought the relationships with other language systems, it is like to Korean and Altaic language systems and because of this reason there are some similarities between these language systems. The first Japanese documents is found in the date of the 3.nd century and from that time to now, the language has been spoken by the people and in the literary field there are lots of different works that are done by the Japanese people.


Another significant point is that the numbers of the different alphabets that are used by the people who are speaking Japanese, again at this point their alphabets are different from other alphabets. There are some different shapes that represent the sounds in the language of the Japanese and because of this reason it is a bit difficult to learn that language by the other people. There are two different alphabets in the Japanese and one of them is Kanji and the other is the Kana. The people who want to speak the language of the Japanese have to learn one of these alphabetic systems in order to speak the language in an effective way.



When we look at the number of the people who are talking the language of the Japanese as their language, in accordance with the researches that are done currently, in the whole world there are 127 million people who are talking Japanese as their native language and this number will be increased because of the powerful effect of the Japan to the whole world.

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