Home office became one of the most important notions after economic crisis and today cottage industry is one of the biggest industries in the world. Home office topic is not new because before 19th century, all offices were small and most of people were working from home. There were a few complete production units and big companies. After industrial revolution, people start to work in factories to mass produce goods. This period is stopped by personal computers and fax machines. Workers like lawyers, surveyors and similar started to work on small offices. Today it’s possible to find millions of home office workers and home office is one of the biggest sectors in the world. Also millions of people are trying to work home office and they give up after two or three days because of failures in home office design and work plan. How many important points are there while choosing home office design?
It’s very common to hear nowadays that people tries to work on their home offices but they give up after a small period. They buy lots of items like tables, book shelves, computers and more and they left all of them.
Main mistake people are making while designing the home office is choosing the room. Most of the home office works are based on worker’s performance and if she isn’t working enough, there won’t be any man giving her a salary. So choosing the living room for home office is the worst idea ever. Both working and matching the favorite program on TV is a dream of every one but experiences showed that it’s not possible. So if possible, choose a room with no other units than a classic office room. It must have a door to open outside and easy to refresh the air in the room.
Color of the office furniture you bought is also very important. In 90s, it was only possible to buy office furniture in the wood color but today there are hundreds of color options to choose. Choose a color that will attract you to work. Every person has a different color to be attracted so you must find the best for yourself.
Buy a new computer for home office but it must be only used for job. Don’t buy a fast or too cheap computer for making job and playing games. Don’t forget that it’s the first day of your job whether it’s on home and managers will never allow playing games in office. Most of the jobs people making in home are about writing something in Microsoft Office or similar works and they don’t need the fastest machine in the world.
Buy all-in-one printer and other electronic device models that you used before. In the first days of your home office work, you will try to find something for spending time and devices like new all-in-one printers are perfect for it with hundreds of options. Also try to catch a color combination between printer and other devices.
Don’t buy anything to home office like wall clock or toys which are making repetitive sounds. These sounds will kill your concentration every moment. Also don’t buy live flowers or houseplants to your office because they will use the same weather with you and breathing problems will kill your concentration.
Hang paintings of successful careers and important people on walls. Never hang landscape paintings or similar because they will help you to go holiday dreams without working and earning money for them. You can also hang some career stories to walls.

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