Heineken or Heineken Lager Beer is a Dutch company especially popular in United States. Category of Heineken is mainly pale lager beer. Company is founded on 1873. Main ingredients of Heineken beer are purified water, yeast, hops and barley malt. Company is using same brewing procedure since first production. Heineken Company only produced beer in Holland since 1975. After 1975, they develop and globalized. Today company is selling 16.46 billion liters of beer globally. Heineken puts 4 important prizes on its label as Grand Prix of Exposition Universelle in 1899, Diplome d’Honneurs in 1883, Medaille d’Or in 1875 and Hors Concours Membre du Jury in 1900. How many Heineken beer types are there?
Heineken Lager is one of the most popular Heineken beer products today. It’s firstly brewed in 1873. Americans like to drink Heineken Lager on lunch. Also some important cafes sell only Heineken Lager. Main feature of Heineken Lager is its extended brewing time. This gives a bitter but sweet taste to product. Beer includes 9.9 ABV and 110 calories in a 250 ml bottle.
Heineken Light is the light beer category product of company. Heineken is using a unique brewing system called horizontal fermentation to create Heineken light. Heineken Light includes 3.5 ABV and 99 calories. Heineken Light’s calorie is higher than similar products.
Heineken Draughtkeg is 169.073 fl. Oz, 5 liters. 20 glasses of beer is possible from Heineken Draughtkeg. It needs at least 10 hours of cooling before drink. Heineken’s Draughtkeg is brewing and packaging exclusively so it can contain its freshness for 30 days after opened. It’s possible to find Heineken and Heineken Light draughtkegs in market.
Heineken Starbottle or Heineken Str Bottle with its popular name is a limited edition 16 oz beer. It became popular with modern aluminum bottle cap. It’s now only possible in some states of U.S.
Heineken Beertender is the company’s product for bars. It’s a developed product to serve large customer population. Also Americans buy it for home.
Heineken “The Icon” is company’s leading product with green classic bottle and red star on it. Taste of The Icon is some sweet than Heineken classic but it’s only little difference between them.
Heineken Tactile can is one of the newest products of company. It’s 330 ml. Heineken Tactile can includes Heineken Lager inside. Beer experts promoted new tactile can as a revolution in can beer products category because it lacks the traditional can taste.
Heineken Five Star Pour is producing by a new technique. It’s creating a wine effect on beer and every year beer’s taste gets better. Heineken selling bars serve Heineken Five Star Pour in its special Heineken Glass. Heineken Company made some special courses for bartenders to serve Heineken Five Star Pour in perfect style.
Heineken ID-Can is a different can style beer product of company. It’s mini with a strong taste. Some beer experts criticized product for its metallic taste but Heineken ID-Can is one of the most popular Heineken products today.
Heineken Extra Cold is the cold beer product of Heineken. Company released Heineken Extra Cold with the wind of extra cold beer fashion. But in contrast to other beer companies, Heineken Extra Cold took good critics and still producing by company.
Heineken produces some local products for countries but generally changes the names of global products. Company has over hundred breweries today all over the world. Also Heineken bought some local beer companies like Amstel, Cruzcampo, Starobrno and Jillz. Last company added to Heineken family is Newcastle Brown Ale. Company was exporting beer to USA since 1990.