Pontiac Firebird is a legendary car series created by General Motors’ Pontiac department. Cars are created between 1967 and 2002. It was also legendary Ford Mustang’s release in 1967 and there was a big rivalry between them. Both Pontiac Firebird and Ford Mustang lived for decades.How many generations are there legendary Pontiac Firebird has?
There are four generations of Pontiac Firebird. First generation was on the popular Coke bottle style of those years. People see Pontiac Firebird’s first generation from 1967 to 1969 as compete of Chevrolet’s Corvette but GM is decided not to advertise Firebird as a compete. In 1969, “Trans Am Performance and Appearance Package” added to car.
Second generation was from 1970 to 1981. First months were problematic for second generation because of engineering problems but then the generation became famous with lots of trims like Firebird Esprit, Firebird Trans-Am and Firebird Redbird. Also special versions like Macho Trans-Am and 1981 NASCAR Edition are very famous and hard to find. Enlarged rear window is the symbol of Pontiac Firebird’s second edition.
Third generation of Pontiac Firebird was created in 1982–1992. It was the era of fuel crisis and Pontiac Firebird must be a fuel save car. Pontiac Firebird is not a high horsepower car like old generations. Third generation of car is remembering by hatchback.
Fourth generation of Pontiac Firebird used high technology. Aerodynamic formula is developed on this generation. Fans were buying old generations only and GM decided to discontinue production of Pontiac Firebird in 2002. So it’s a classic especially with 1th and 2th generations.