Frog, amphibians (Amphibian) and a set of class Annora species that comprise 88% of the animals. Annora, Greek “nothing” with the prefix “a-” and Greek for “tail”, meaning “Ora”, a term derived from the word “queue” means. Family: Black frogs(Bufonidae) Water frogs (Ranidae ). interest: water, earth and trees. Except Australia and surrounding islands, spread around the world. Features: the naked body and stocky. No queues. Suitable for long legs behind to jump. Adults lungs, the larvae branchial respiration. Life span: 10-40 years. Range: up to 2000 is known.
Water frog, toad, frog lake, frog, frog honeycomb, the famous American bull frog species.
Water frog, toad, frog lake, frog, frog honeycomb, the famous American bull frog species.
Generic name given to a body splash practice amfibyum tail. Amfibyum is to live in water and on land. The triangle-shaped heads, has bulging eyes. Most of them are oriented upper jaws. Four front legs, hind legs, 5 figures. There are mostly aquatic species. Usually varies between 7-15 cm long. As a leading contributor to the nostrils,and dice them with a lid may close at any time. Behind the tip of a long and curved gluelanguages. Prey insects to quickly launch advance. Leather is heavy breathing. The sides of their heads are as a balloon inflating vesicles volume.
Frogs, insects, worms and insects in slimy places tenderly. Organisms most sensitive to hearing the frogs.Visual senses of hearing are much more sensitive. You do not have external ears.However, they will notice moving prey. Mucous glands and the poison in their skin is thin and bare. Mucus is a liquid adhesive. Protects against loss of body water. Skins is anirritant poison.