How Many Different Types of Poem Are There?

Are you interested in literature? Do you prefer to read poem or novel? How often do you finish a book that is related to the literature? When we think about the history of the people, after the invention of the script the people start to write their feelings and from that time to our day people have been expressing their feelings by writing and they name this activity as literature. In the art of the literature, it is possible to see that there are lots of different types such as novel, poem and we can see other genres.


When we look at the history of the humanity it is possible to see that there are lots of different popular people who are related to the literature and they are poet, novelist and on the other hand they can be the playwrights. In almost all of the civilization’s history, it is possible  to see that there are lots of different literary people of them, more specifically when we look at the English and American Literature we can see the people who affect the whole world with their literary works and in the whole world there are millions of the people who are the fans of those people. When we look at the British Literature, we can see that the most popular playwright and poet is William Shakespeare and people accept him as the keystone of the English Literature because he has lots of different popular works that are working for the English Literature. Today, more specifically we are going to make a short analysis about the different types of the poems in the literature. Now let’s look at the different number of the poems.


The Number of The Types of the Poems in Literature.


In the people’s lives maybe the most important literary genre is the poem because almost all of the people are using and reading the poems in order to express their feelings that are coming from the inside of them. Again at this point, today like in the past, it is possible to see that there are lots of people who are writing poems in order to express his or her feelings and when we look at the different types of the poem, we can see that in the world, there are 28 different types of poem and at this table we can see the names of them.




Blank verse








Epitaph Free verse




Lyric Name

Narrative Ode

Pastoral Petrarchan sonnet




Shakespearean sonnet



Terza rima


And it seems that in the future, again the people will keep to continue to write the poems in order to express their feelings and maybe in the future again like in the past there will be some people who are writing the poem in a perfect way and they will affect the whole world with their works.


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