The Chronicles of Narnia series is one of the most popular fantasy book series in the world. Series is written by C. S. Lewis. Books are sold over 100 million and became an all-time best seller. It’s also translated to 47 languages. It’s adapted to other media like cinema several times. Main story of series is children and their adventure about revealing the truth. Series introduce creation of Narnia Universe in book “The Magician’s Nephew” and it’s destroying in “The Last Battle”. How many books are there in The Chronicles of Narnia series?
There are 7 books in the Chronicles of Narnia series. They are The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Prince Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The Silver Chair, The Horse and His Boy, The Magician’s Nephew and The Last Battle.
First book “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” is released in 1950. It’s chronically second book of series. First book in chronology is “The Magician’s Nephew.” Time awarded book in “All-TIME 100 Novels” list. Main story of book starts in World War II. Also Lucy’s discover of the way to Narnia, first introduction of White Witch and kings and queens of Narnia are important topics in book. Book became popular in the era of book bans and surveys showed that nearly all seventh-graders read it. Book adapted to cinema several times.
“Prince Caspian” is the second book of series. It’s released in 1951. Main story of book is about second trip of Pevensie children to Narnia universe. Second book’s hero is Prince Caspian. Book created some controversies on religion topics after Lewis’s explanations about book’s religious context. Walt Disney Pictures adapted book to cinema in 2008. William Moseley and Anna Popplewell starred in movie but it couldn’t gain a high critical and commercial success. Walt Disney released movie only in DVD.
“The Voyage of the Dawn Treader” is the third book of series and it’s released in 1952. When series are ordered chronological, it’s the fifth book on series. Story is mainly about Lucy and Edmund. It’s the first book readers see evil uncle Miraz. There are lots of British and USA editions and some writers claim that they are two different stories. Book couldn’t gain the success of first two books. There’s a movie adaptation of book in 2008.
“The Silver Chair” is the fourth book of series. It’s sixth book in chronological order. It’s also the first book of series which is not including Pevensie children. Story starts in Experiment House. Also there are some scenes in Aslan’s Country. C. S. Lewis left some controversial hints in these books and they are still arguing between readers. One of them is about White Witch. But C.S Lewis never gives a new hint about this topic. BBC adapted book to series.
“The Horse and His Boy” is released in 1954. Book is released as fifth book but it’s third book in chronological order. Story mainly goes under The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe period. Because of some publication failures, Caspian wrote this book in “story in story” concept. Walden Media is expected to make an adaptation of this book.
“The Magician’s Nephew” is the sixth book of series and it’s first in chronological order. Novel takes readers to 1900’s London. Main story goes on Digory Kirke and Polly Plummer. It’s possible to see young times of Professor Kirke. It’s the most controversial book of series with exploring themes like original sin and Christianity. There are some works of 20th Century Fox but still no movie adaptation of book is available.