Blue Moon beers are producing by Blue Moon Brewing Co. Headquarters of company is on Golden, Colorado. Company is founded in 1995. Canada office of Blue Moon is known “Rickard’s White”. Blue Moon beers became popular with their orange-amber color. Company mostly tries orange flavor beers and they are also popular with these experimental beers. Brand is created by Keith Villa and John Legnard. Today company is releasing its beers with some seasonal process. Also various collections of Blue Moon are possible. How many Blue Moon beer brews are there?
Blue Moon sells its beer in four catalogues. They are Year-Round Releases, Seasonal Collection, Vintage Collection and Specialty Releases.
Belgian White Belgian-Style Wheat Ale is the leading beer product of company. It’s firstly released in 1995. ABV of beer is 5.4%. Main ingredients are malts and specialty grains, hops and twist. Belgian White Belgian-Style Wheat Ale has a cloudy color. Americans prefer this light taste on dinner mostly. Secret that giving the unique taste to beer is “The Valencia orange peel”. It’s possible to feel orange smell on finish. Especially salads are perfect matching meals for this beer.
Belgian-Style Pale Ale became popular with its brilliant amber color in creamy style. It’s possible to feel strong caramel taste on first drink, also citrus taste is possible then. Secret behind taste is balanced citrus taste. A floral taste is possible on finish. Belgian-Style Pale Ale’s ABV is 5.4%. Americans like to drink this beer with spiced seafood or grilled beef.
Farmhouse Red Ale is a traditional taste. Beer’s main ingredients are various malts like Chocolate Malt, European Abbey Malt and Malted White Wheat. Traditional bars serve this beer in slender glasses. Red amber-color of Farmhouse Red Ale is really unique. Taste of beer is spicy. Balanced caramel in this spicy taste is experimental. It’s possible to smell a sweet scent on finish. Americans prefer to drink Farmhouse Red Ale with beef meals.
Spring Blonde Wheat Ale is the leading product of Blue Moon’s seasonal catalogue. Color of beer is light golden. Traditional serve way of this beer is Blue Moon’s special blue lined glass. Citrus taste is dominant. Orange taste is also perceivable. Secret behind taste is balanced malts and Chinook hoops. Beer doesn’t have a strong smell. Beer finishes with a light citrus taste. ABV of product is 5.4%.
Summer Honey Wheat is the summer beer of company. It’s an awarded beer. Color of beer is golden honey. Unique taste of summer honey wheat beer comes from combination of Colorado clover honey and various malt notes. It’s possible to smell honey and citrus on finishing. This gives a refreshing character to glass.
Harvest Pumpkin Ale is a popular beer of company. Beer became popular with its complex taste and smell. Also deep amber-color is unique. Secret behind taste are Pumpkin and spices. Main spices in beer are cinnamon, allspice and nutmeg. Combination gives a sweet caramel taste on finishing. ABV of Harvest Pumpkin Ale is 5.7%. Beef short ribs meal is a classic for this beer.
Winter Abbey Ale is for the cold days. Winter Abbey Ale’s color is chestnut brown. Toffee and dark chocolate tastes are making the beer unique. Secret behind taste of beer is caramel. Finish comes with dark chocolate taste and smell. ABV of beer is 5.6%.
Vintage Blonde Ale is the first product company released on Vintage category. It’s an awarded beer. Taste mainly comes from Chardonnay grape and apple ingredients. Secret behind taste is kiwi. Finish of beer is very light. ABV of Vintage Blonde Ale is 8.5%.