How Many People Died in Titanic?

In the history of the world, there are lots of different events and those events have been affecting people too much extend and in the future it is possible to say that, again there will be lots of dramatic events and as a result of these events again the people will be affected. 



When we look at the history of the humanity, we see that one of the most striking event is the shipwreck of the Titanic. Today we are going to make a short analysis about the event of the shipwreck of the Titanic and some of the different and interesting facts about the Titanic.



A Short View to The Event of Titanic


The shipwreck of the Titanic is one of the major events in the history of humanity. When we look at the starting point of the event we can see those realities. Titanic is a passenger ship that is Olympic and it belongs to the ship company of White Star Line. The most interesting thing about the ship is, in its first departure it strikes to a iceberg and at the end of the two hours approximately it is wrecked. Before the ship start to its departure, tens of the people get their tickets and when we look at the money situation of the people, It is possible to say that they are the most rich people in the world and they are all believing that the trip will be perfect but at the end of the process lots of them die. When we look at the number of the people who die in the vent of the Titanic we see that in accordance with the researches after the event exactly 1514 people die as a result of the shipwreck. In the history of the humanity, it is a real sea disaster after the first and second world wars because the number of the people who die in the event is close to the number of the dies in those wars. When the Titanic is first introduced to the people, because of its being high technology, people call the Titanic as the ship that cant be wreck and they say that “Event The God Cant Make the Titanic Wreck” and because of this telling of the people, lots of the people believe that the wrecking of the Titanic almost impossible but it is happened. When we look at the features of the Titanic it is possible to see that in the Titanic there are lots of different comfortable things. On the deck, there are lots of different things that can be used for the people such as pool, Turkish Bath and other things that are comfortable to the people and it is possible to say that the ship is one of the most popular ships in that time because of the popularity of it between the people especially the rich people. In the future, it seems that the disaster of Titanic will not be forgotten by the people.


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