William Shakespeare is accepting as the greatest writer in the English Language. England accepts him as its national poet. There are some rumors about her life or plays but official numbers say he wrote 38 plays, two long narrative poems, 154 sonnets and some epitaphs. It’s possible to find his translated works on nearly all major languages today. According to researches, he came to London and started to write in 1592. In his first books, name of him is written as Shake-Speares and then last books are published as Shakespeare. How many popular plays of Shakespeare are there?
Othello, The Moor of Venice is a very popular play of Shakespeare. According to researches, Shakespeare wrote it in the 1603 and it’s one of the early works of Shakespeare. Play is about two characters; Othello and his wife Desdemona. Main themes of play are betrayal, jealousy, love and racism. Because of problems on this period, Shakespeare made editions of play for 7 times. Today it’s still playing by city theatres and professionals. Also there are lots of movies based on play.
“The Taming of the Shrew” is classifying as the first popular comedy of Shakespeare. Researches showed that he wrote this play between 1590 and 1594. Play was about drunkard man and his wife. The relationship between drunkard men and his wife’s sister Bianca created became one of the biggest controversies of the century. After 1700s, it adapted operas. Today it’s also possible to see movie and musical adaptations of play.
“Twelfth Night or What You Will” is a popular comedy of Shakespeare like “The Taming of the Shrew”. It’s believed that after first play’s popularity, Shakespeare again wrote a comedy on the same topic. Main characters of play are Viola, Sebastian and Duke Orsino. Game is written by Shakespeare in 1601 but firstly published in First Folio book in 1623. Especially opening scene with shipwreck was very popular in 1600s.
“Julius Caesar” is accepted as first popular tragedy of Shakespeare. It’s written in 1599. Shakespeare wrote many Roman plays based on true stories like “Anthony and Cleopatra” and “Coriolanus” but “Julius Caesar” became the most popular Roman play of writer. Play is also made some revolutionary development in theatre art. “Julius Caesar” was not the main character of play and he has seen only for three times in game. It was the first time hero giving the name to title is not a hero of play. Also it was an early example of the central psychological drama. Play affected whole England because Queen Elizabeth was older and everyone was afraid of a civil war after she died.
“Richard III” is one of the longest plays Shakespeare had written. He wrote “Richard III” before “Hamlet” in 1591. It’s firstly published in “First Folio” book in 1623. Shakespeare wrote a short version of Hamlet but didn’t do same for “Richard III.” Some writers put the play into tragedy class but play is telling the history without changing it.
“Macbeth” is the most popular play of Shakespeare after “Hamlet” and “Romeo and Juliet.” “Macbeth” is also the shortest tragedy he wrote and some historians believed that Shakespeare had shortened it because of some political reason. Some actors and audiences believed that play is cursed. They called it as “The Scottish Play.”
“Romeo and Juliet” is an early tragedy of Shakespeare. It’s also the deepest book of Shakespeare about love and death. Like today, it was the most popular play of Shakespeare in his lifetime.
Shakespeare started to write “Hamlet” in 1599 and finished in 1601. Reviewers agree that it’s the greatest drama ever.