It’s true that American Dream is affecting people for over a century. If you can find a good idea and realize it, you can easily get rich but it’s very hard to be so rich like Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg. They didn’t only realize a good idea also they changed the world. Also it’s possible to see that there are some people on the list gained the money from heritage. But most of the people who are the richest ones in USA now find a good idea and realized it in a long period. How many rich people in USA have more than $25 B wealth?
It’s definite that the richest person in the world is Bill Gates. It has $66 B wealth. Today Bill Gates isn’t working on Microsoft and he and her wife Melinda Gates set a foundation to help people. They became the partner to Indian Institutes and they are creating computing solutions together.
Second richest man in the USA is Warren Buffett. He’s now the chairman of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Managers of his company is taking $1 million salaries. He’s now 82 widowed and remarried. He has three children now. Warren Buffett has $46 B wealth now.
Larry Ellison is the chief executive officer of Oracle Corp. He’s popular with owning 98% of Hawaiian island of Lanai. He bought hardware giant Sun Microsystems in 2009 for Oracle. He’s now working for Ellison Medical Foundation. Foundation is making research and campaigns on age-related diseases. He has the $41 B wealth now.
Charles Koch is the head of Koch Industries. His company works on chemicals. Some popular product company is producing like Brawny paper towels, Dixie cups worth $75 billion. He helps to institutes for over $1 million every year. His slogan is “securing our liberty as Americans.” His wealth is $31 B.
David Koch is the executive vice president of Koch Industries Inc. He’s married and has three children now. He’s a prostate cancer survivor and a big supporter of cancer researcher centers and institutes. He became top news after he donated quarter of a billion dollars to a foundation. He has now $31 B wealth.
Christy Walton is the richest woman in the USA. His husband John T. Walton was the son of Wal-Mart founder John T. Walton but he died in a plane crash in 2005. She has holdings in Wal-Mart. Every year she takes over $420 million from Wal-Mart every year as profit. Her wealth is $27.9 B now.
Jim Walton is the chairman and chief executive officer of Arvest Bank Group Inc and also shareholder of Wal-Mart. He’s the youngest son of Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton. He’s the husband of Lynne McNabb Walton and father of four children. He’s 64 years old and has $26.8 B wealth.
Alice Walton is the other rich member of Walton family. She’s the heiress of Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart. She’s an active member of Walton Family Foundation. Also she’s a popular buyer of expensive art titles. She’s also popular with her traffic accidents. Her wealth is now $26.3 B.
Michael Bloomberg is the mayor of New York City. He’s the founder of Bloomberg L.P. and now has %88 of it. He has seen on news as rumors increased about his vice-presidential debate but rumors didn’t go true. He made the world’s biggest increase in wealth by $4.5 billion in 2009 and his wealth is now $25 B. He is supporting and donating for lots of foundations like Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and World Health Organization.