How many characters The Perks of Being a Wallflower has?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower is Stephen Chbosky most popular novel. It’s typed as epistolary novel. Story is about a boy nicknamed “Charlie” and his letters to anonymous people. Book became popular in a short period because its tongue is very soft but affective about drug use of adolescences. Book became third on important lists. Mostly adults with children bought the book for the content of homosexuality and suicide in young ages. It’s also believed that adults bought this book because story is beginning on 1991 and talks about 90s youth. How many characters The Perks of Being a Wallflower has?

Book has 9 main characters. Charlie is the main character and narrator with sending letters to anonymous people about his ideas. Also his mom and dad are main characters.

Aunt Helen’s is Charlie’s most favorite person in the world. But Charlie’s later remembrances of Aunt Helen are setting her in a different place.

Charlie’s sister is working in a company but trying to keep it because she believes that working on a company may destroy her popularity.

Charlie’s brother is a great athlete but his main role on book is always comparing with the Charlie. Charlie has some controversial ideas about him.

Also there are main characters like Michael, Patrick, Sam, Bill. Also movie adaptation of book is possible. Logan Lerman, Emma Watson and Ezra Miller are starring. It will be also Emma Watson’s first young movie at all.

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