How many car categories is there Thrifty rent a car offers?

Thrifty rent a car and Dollar Rent A Car are rent a car companies of Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group. Today it’s possible to find 1,475 locations of company in worldwide. There are also 835 stations in USA. Thrifty rent a car started to service in 1958. In 1990 brand is combined with Dollar Rent A Car. There are some popular programs of company like “The Blue Chip Express Rental Program.” Especially business travellers use this system for quick pick-ups. Big airline companies support this rental program. Also 1 day free rent is possible for each 16 day rents. How many car categories is there Thrifty rent a car offers?

There are 15 car categories in the Thrifty list. Company offers Chevrolet Aveo in economy category, Ford Focus in compact category, Hyundai Sonata in Mid-Size category and Ford Fusion in standard category. Also it’s possible to find Chevrolet Suburban in Luxury SUV category and Jeep Wrangler in Mid-Size Open-Air All-Terrain category.
Website of Thrifty is some different than Enterprise rent a car’s website with various features. First of all, Thrifty’s rent a car website is offering a detailed first page with lots of services and links but it’s possible to see that all page is tidy and design is very clean. To find a Thrifty location, you must write your place and search in site. Sometimes it’s hard to find a place so you can try to find close city and navigate on map. Website’s disadvantage is that when you entered into one subpage, it’s very hard to navigate other pages so you always have to return home.

Company has a very large selection of categories and cars but it’s not possible to find pick-ups or truck category like Enterprise. It’s a common belief that Thrifty want specialize on private customers not commercial ones and this situation file it. There are some large vans in list but they are not popular ones. Also there’s no hybrid car in the Thrifty list. It’s only possible to see Chrysler “bio-fuel” and Toyota Prius hybrid but they are available only in limited locations. For customers want hybrid car for fuel efficiency, Thrifty claims that %75 of company fleet cars burn 26 miles-per-gallon.
It’s true that most of renters want the cheapest car but there are also people want to use car for a business trip or a local meeting
. Thrifty web site is offering a 360 degree view of car and it’s giving a feel of specialty for customers.

There’s a wild car feature in web site. It’s fun for some customers when web site automatically chooses a car for them. Site chooses mid-size or large cars and their prices are lower than standard. Pre-pay toll option is a also a good feature Thrifty web site offers.
Support quality of Thrifty is maybe lowest one in the USA. It’s very hard to find support page in web site and calling support means waiting for a long time. Also there is some high flown talk on website like “if you want cheaper than Thrifty, we will rent from this price and make %10 more discount” but it’s very hard to realize it. Against all problems, Thrifty offers road-side assistance package or insurance package on site so you don’t have to argue with salesman in the location.
Thrifty means low price on rent a car service. Also they are always considering what people want. But some problems which are occurring mostly from web site can be fix. Lack of on-line check-in is a problem like Enterprise for Thrifty.

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